Sponsorship Opportunity for New SafeHouse
November 28, 2023 @ 11:30AM — June 30, 2024 @ 11:00PM Central Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Become a SafeHouse Sponsor and Join the Fight Against Domestic Violence!
Clarksville Area Urban Ministries' SafeHouse Program provides emergency shelter, safety services, case management and emotional support to Survivors of domestic violence and their minor children in Montgomery, Stewart, Houston, and Cheatham Counties. SafeHouse is the only domestic violence program operating within a 30-mile radius. Rates of domestic violence and requests for our services have increased with our population growth. Last year, SafeHouse received over 1,900 crisis hotline calls. Unfortunately, there were many times we had to turn people away, due to the lack of bed capacity in the current SafeHouse shelter. To answer the growing need for our services, Clarksville Area Urban Ministries purchased a building to renovate and become the new home for the SafeHouse Program. The City of Clarksville's Department of Neighborhood and Community Services awarded SafeHouse funding for the renovation. The building renovation is now complete. Unfortunately, our funding from the city is not enough to complete everything at the new SafeHouse facility. While we are open and taking clients, we do not have enough funding to provide our clients with some of the extras like a secure parking area, privacy fence and safe outdoor play space for children.
Your generosity will help us create a community where anyone experiencing domestic violence has access to the resources they need to break free from domestic violence and start a new chapter in their life free from abuse.